3 Guaranteed Fundraising Tips To Drive Donations!

March 8, 2016
Oleh : Admin

“I’ve shared my #DigitalDetox campaign link everywhere! Whatsapp, Line, BBM, Facebook, Path, Twitter, Instagram…but why am I not getting any donation?” – Sad campaigner

Fundraising can indeed be scary at times, but worry no more! Follow these 3 tips and we will guarantee results for your #DigitalDetox campaign 🙂

#1 Ask someone to donate personally

Based on our data, 80% of people will donate if you contact them personally. Even when you share the information in groups, make it at least conversational and not spammy. Nobody like spams.

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#2 Post in social media you’re most active at

Don’t share 10x a day on your Twitter if you only have 5 followers. Focus on channel where you are most active and make sure you deliver a clear call-to-action: you want people to donate.
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#3 You ain’t a beggar, you’re doing a noble cause!

So stop being shy and share your campaign to everyone with pride, especially to your closest circles.
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At the end, 2 things determine why people donate:

1. Network effect (they know, like and trust you)
2. Story effect (they like the cause you’re supporting)
We hope these tips are helpful. Happy campaigning and we wish you the best of luck with D-Day tomorrow!
